SmartTHING OLX Product installation

SmartTHING OLX Product installation

SmartTHING OLX Product installation

Generic guide to installing any of our OLX based products.


1. Get your license

2. Configuring your product
2.1. Does changing the config effect previous versions of the product on my website? 2
3. Adding the code to your website
3.1. Tips for Wordpress
4. Testing it is working
4.1. Can you check it is installed for us?


Note: We provide support for all our products, all you need to do is:
  1. Email
  2. Include a link to the page on which you have placed our SmartTHING product
  3. Include any login details or test information to recreate the issue
  4. Optionally: Include your phone number and possible times for a call if required.

1. Get your license

We assume you have already requested your trial license details from the relevant product page i.e. where you will have filled in a form similar to the one below…

Which will then confirm on screen that your license will be sent to you by email.

You will receive an email in which the key details are below. Note, if you do not receive the email within 10 minutes please check your SPAM folder, the emails are from: 
  1. License username (which is your email address)
  2. License key 
  3. and a link to our configuration wizard 

2. Configuring your product

You click the link to the OLX Deploy wizard: and enter your license details. These details are linked to a specific product and when you click submit the configuration options for that product will be displayed.

In our example we are looking at a SmartDONORCOVER OLX solution so the config options that appear look as below. You will see the config options for your specific product. 

There are often multiple tabs in the configuration so please check each tab i.e. above, Instructions and Settings tabs exist. The settings also often have default values already set so you can edit from there.

When you have configured the options click the ‘Get Script’ button to generate your code snippet.

2.1. Does changing the config effect previous versions of the product on my website?

In general, no. These options (other than for a couple of our products such as SmartPROFILE OLX and the stock levels in SmartSTORE OLX) will not affect any previous versions of our product on your website. The settings you configure are just on screen until you continue and put a code snippet on your site.

3. Adding the code to your website

This snippet uses the exact same technology as Blackbaud’s Online Express (OLX) snippets so you will be able to place it on your site in exactly the same way as the OLX snippet. Usually it is simplest to take your OLX snippet, append our code to it and then give it all to your web team to put on the page. 

As an example this could look like the below, this example includes an OLX Donation form plus our SmartDONORCOVER OLX product all in one snippet (i.e. combined). This would be passed to your web team in place of just the OLX snippet. In the below we have coloured the code green for the OLX snippet and red for our SmartDONORCOVER OLX snippet just so you can see how they can be combined.

<div id="bbox-root"></div>
<p><script type="text/javascript">
       window.bboxInit = function () {
       (function () {
           var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true;
       } ());
</script><script>var SmartDONORCOVEROLXSettings = {"product":"SmartDONORCOVEROLX","prompt":"I wish to cover transaction costs for the charity (increase my donation to accomplish this)","summary":"You will pay [amount] which includes the transaction fees of [fee]","variable":2.798,"fixed":0.26,"client":""}</script><!--  (c) 2019 The SmartTHING Limited File smartdonorcoverolx-display provided under license to Last updated 11/28/2019 10:35:08 am --> <script src=""></script>

3.1. Tips for Wordpress

An often used website system is WordPress. We have a guide to help with deploying not only Online Express but also our products to that website system here:
Basically you install the Raw HTML plugin in Wordpress and then surround your code snippet as below which ensures WordPress does not change the snippet:
… code snippet here …

4. Testing it is working

Now you have the snippet there are some quick checks you can make to see if it is working. Go to the web page you have created in Chrome web browser and press F12. Go to the Console tab in the pane that appears and you will see text indicating if the product has started i.e.
  1. Go to
  2. Press F12 and select the console tab
What you will see:
  1. WORKING: You will see the text ‘Initialising SmartDONORCOVER’ as below. 
  2. NOT INSTALLED: You can’t see any reference to your SmartTHING product in the console. This usually means you need to revisit the installation with your web team. You can right click on the page to ‘View source’ and then search for the text ‘smart’ - if it is not there then the snippet has not been installed so again ask your web team to look into this.
  3. ISSUE/BUG: If you see red text with error messages and on the right it shows file.php?... then this indicates and issue to send to our support team:

4.1. Can you check it is installed for us?

If you want us to check that the code has been installed properly again email with a link to the page and we will be more than happy to check for you. NOTE: Please ensure the page is publicly accessible or provide any required login details so we can see the page though.

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