SmartSYNC: Using a tenant app with Dynamics, Outlook, Excel and other Microsoft app connectors

SmartSYNC: Using a tenant app with Dynamics, Outlook, Excel and other Microsoft app connectors

When creating connections to Microsoft products your IT environment admins may have restricted access to only locally created client apps. These are referred to as single tenant apps. This is not an issue as we can create an app for your environment with only a few steps. The below example covers these steps and how to then set this up in SmartSYNC.

All the below steps take place in the Azure portal.

Create an application

  1. Search for 'App registrations' and open the page
  2. Create a 'single tenant' application i.e. 'SmartSYNC Dynamics Client', 'SmartSYNC OUTLOOK Client', 'SmartSYNC Excel Client' or  'SmartSYNC Active Directory Client'
  3. Ensure you enter the Web Redirect URI as below but add your SmartSYNC domain name where it is blank i.e. https://[domain i.e.]/app/connect/success. Note: You can also do this later in these instructions.

  4. Note the Application (client) ID as you will need that later
  5. Note the Directory (tenant) ID as again you will need this later

Assign API permissions

  1. Click 'API permissions' on the left menu
  2. Click 'Add a permission'
  3. For an MS Dynamics app:
    1. Click 'Dynamics CRM'
    2. Click 'Delegated permissions'
      1. Select 'user_impersonation'
      2. This should result in the below:

  4. For an OUTLOOK app:
    1. Click 'Microsoft Graph'
    2. Click 'Delegated permissions'
      1. Search for 'Mail'
      2. Under Mail select Mail.ReadWrite and Mail.Send
      3. Under MailboxSettings select MailboxSettings.ReadWrite
      4. This should result in the below:

  1. For an EXCEL app:
    1. Click 'Microsoft Graph'
    2. Click 'Delegated permissions'
      1. Search for 'Files'
      2. Under Files select Files.ReadWrite.All
      3. This should result in the below:
  2. For a ONEDRIVE or SHAREPOINT app:
    1. Click 'Microsoft Graph'
    2. Click 'Delegated permissions'
      1. Search for 'Files'
      2. Under Files select Files.ReadWrite.All
      3. This should result in the below:

  3. For an ACTIVE DIRECTORY app:
    1. Click 'Microsoft Graph'
    2. Click 'Delegated permissions'
      1. Search for 'Directory'
      2. Under Files select Directory.Read.All
      3. This should result in the below:

Create a client secret

  1. Click 'Certificates and secrets' on the left menu
  2. Under Client secrets click 'New client secret'
  3. Enter a description i.e. SmartSYNC and select an expiry in a reasonable amount of time i.e. 24 months
  4. When the secret is created make sure you copy the VALUE and not the Secret ID. This is your Client secret and you will need it later on.

Configure the authentication settings

  1. Click 'Authentication' in the left menu
  2. Tick both 'Access tokens' and 'ID tokens'
  3. Select the supported account types first option which is for single tenant (this should be the default value)
  4. Note: If you added this Web redirect already there is no need to do this again, click Save and skip to 'Approve the application' if you already see something like the below:

  5. If you can't see the web redirect then:
    1. Click 'Add platform' and select web
      1. In the redirect URL enter your SmartSYNC server redirect URL: https://[DOMAIN]/app/connect/success i.e. 
  6. Click Save

Approve the application

Finally we need to approve the app for use within the Azure account
  1. Go to Enterprise applications within Portal and find the application (it will have the same name)
  2. Under permissions on the left you will see a 'Grant admin consent for ...' button. Click that to approve the application.
Note: Each user still individually connect the app but this allows them to use it.

Connect SmartSYNC

You have all you need now for the connection from SmartSYNC:
  1. Go to the flow that you are using
  2. Edit the step that connects to the Microsoft application and click 'Edit/Test Connection'
  3. If a window automatically pops up and shows an error when connecting close that window
  4. Click 'show advanced properties' and enter your Client ID, Secret and Tenant ID as identified above in RED.

  5. Click 'Connect'
You should now be connected to Microsoft's application and SmartSYNC will be able to perform it's magic...

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