This guide is aimed to get you up and running with SmartSOCIAL BBCRM to use it to it's full potential. It is compatible with version 3 and 4 of Blackbaud CRM (BBCRM).
When does SmartSOCIAL BBCRM display a LinkedIn profile?
A constituent must have a LinkedIn Social media account on their record for SmartSOCIAL BBCRM to display the respective LinkedIn profile automatically.
Note: You need to ensure that you are logged into LinkedIn on another tab on your computer.
Screenshot 1: Illustrates a LinkedIn Social media account set up for Warren Sherliker
Screenshot 2: Illustrates after a LinkedIn url is added, SmartSOCIAL BBCRM would display the respective profile automatically.
How to add a LinkedIn profile URL to BBCRM CRM?
When viewing a constituent without a LinkedIn profile, you will notice (screenshots below):
- SmartSOCIAL BBCRM displays LinkedIn search with the Constituent Name.
- There is no LinkedIn icon next to the constituent or no LinkedIn Social media accounts configured for the respective constituent.
Screenshot 3: Illustrates a constituent without a LinkedIn social media account setup in BBCRM
Screenshot 4: Illustrates SmartSOCIAL BBCRM displaying LinkedIn search for a constituent without a LinkedIn URL.
For example, to add Warren Sherliker's LinkedIn profile to BBCRM:
- Click on the SmartSOCIAL Search result i.e. Warren's profile.
- Click the Get URL button on SmartSOCIAL BBCRM, when viewing Warren's profile. This will display a prompt from where we can copy the relevant LinkedIn address.
- Go to Contact tab for the constituent and Add a Social media account (Screenshot 4)
- A pop appears, please select LinkedIn from the Social media service dropdown, paste the URL received from Step 2 (Screenshot 5) and Save.
- Next time you visit the constituent record, SmartSOCIAL BBCRM will display the relevant LinkedIn Profile (Screenshot 2)