SmartMAILCHIMP and SmartDOTDIGITAL: How to import statistics

SmartMAILCHIMP and SmartDOTDIGITAL: How to import statistics

e now have the ability to send statistics from Mailchimp and DotDigital campaigns to appeals or actions within Raiser's Edge. To enable this feature you need to follow all the below steps.

Create and configure the SmartSYNC flow

Enable the 'DotDigital stats export' or 'Mailchimp stats export' flow in SmartSYNC:
  1. If using a wizard to configure your DotDigital or Mailchimp integration (as most users do):
    1. Choose the mode: Appeal or Action
    2. Enter the email address to receive notifications when statistics are ready

    3. Once you have saved the wizard setting click the 'Go to flows' button and enable the 'DotDigital stats export' or 'Mailchimp stats export - ...' flow
  2. Otherwise:
    1. Ask the SmartTHING team to create this flow for you
    2. Within the flow event step choose the Mode (appeal or action) and configure the other fields accordingly.
    3. If you wish to change the delay before stats are made available you can do so in the event step. We usually wait 15 days so we have good information on clicks, opens and issues but you can adjust this delay.
    4. In the last step enter an email address to receive notifications
    5. Ensure the flow is enabled
You will now receive statistics notifications by email. These will include links to download the files you require to import these statistics into Raiser's Edge. The files are import ready and will automatically configure the import correctly for you. Once you receive your first notification please download the files and place them on your Blackbaud hosting folder ready for import. Then follow the below processes depending on which mode you are using.

Configure Raiser's Edge

You will only need to do this configuration once and you will require admin rights in Raiser's Edge to do so.
  1. Configure some table entries in Raiser's Edge
    1. If using 'action' mode:
      1. Add the action type 'DotDigital Email' or 'Mailchimp Email'
      2. Ensure you have an Action Status 'Sent'
      3. Create two action attributes 'Campaign title' and 'Subject line' of type Text, active, one per record
      4. Create two action attributes 'Email open' and 'Email click' of type Text, active, allow more than one per record
    2. If using 'appeal' mode:
      1. Add the appeal category 'DotDigital Email' or 'Mailchimp Email'
  2. Configure the ratings field (for MAILCHIMP only and it is optional):
    1. If you wish to import the Mailchimp rating you will need to configure the field to hold the information
    2. We use the 'birthplace' field in Raiser's Edge. Go to Config > Fields > Constituent and set the Birthplace field to Display as 'Mailchimp rating' and untick all the boxes (Hidden, Required and Lookup).

Create your imports

Follow the appropriate steps based on the mode you have chosen. Again, you will only need to create these once and can then reuse them thereafter:

Create ACTION mode imports

  1. DotDigital/Mailchimp 1 - Action Import
    1. This imports the action records which have a summary of the email along with some custom fields to indicate interactions
    2. Create a new 'Constituent Action' import
    3. Select the file containing the word actions i.e. 1234423423-2344-23423-actions-...csv
    4. Configure the options as below (you should find the field mappings are automatically correct):

    5. Save the import as 'DotDigital 1 - Action Import' or 'Mailchimp 1 - Action Import' and import the data
  2. Mailchimp 2 - Rating Import (for MAILCHIMP only and it is optional)
    1. This imports the Mailchimp rating for the subscriber to the 'Mailchimp Rating' field in RE (see configuration required above)
    2. Create a new 'Constituent' import
    3. Select the file containing the word ratings i.e. 1234423423-2344-23423-ratings-...csv
    4. Configure the options as below:

    5. Save the import as 'Mailchimp 2 - Rating Import' and import the data

    Create APPEAL mode imports

    1. DotDigital/Mailchimp 1 - Appeal Import
      1. This imports the appeal records which have a summary of the email
      2. Create a new 'Appeal' import
      3. Select the file containing the word appeal i.e. 1234423423-2344-23423-appeal-...csv
      4. Configure the options as below (you should find the field mappings are automatically correct):
      5. Save the import as 'DotDigital 1 - Appeal Import' or 'Mailchimp 1 - Appeal Import' and import the data
    2. DotDigital/Mailchimp 2 - Constituent Appeal Import
      1. This imports the constituent appeals (which link to the above appeal records). They include a summary comment on whether an email has been opened, clicked or bounced
      2. Create a new 'Constituent Appeal' import
      3. Select the file containing the phrase constituentappeal i.e. 1234423423-2344-23423-constituentappeal-...csv
      4. Configure the options as below (you should find the field mappings are automatically correct):

      5. Save the import as 'DotDigital 2 - Constituent Appeal Import' or 'Mailchimp 2 - Constituent Appeal Import' and import the data
    3. Mailchimp 3 - Rating Import (for MAILCHIMP only and it is optional):
      1. This imports the Mailchimp rating for the subscriber to the 'Mailchimp Rating' field in RE (see configuration required above)
      2. Create a new 'Constituent' import
      3. Select the file containing the word ratings i.e. 1234423423-2344-23423-ratings-...csv
      4. Configure the options as below:
      5. Save the import as 'Mailchimp 3 - Rating Import' and import the data

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