SmartSYNC: Testing a flow, initial setup hints

SmartSYNC: Testing a flow, initial setup hints

When setting up integrations you may wish to limit the records that cause updates to flow to other applications. Without this you may have more data flowing between the applications before you have properly tested the flows out.

You can easily set up this limit in such a way that it is then simple to remove later on when you go to full production use of the flow. 

As an example we use Mailchimp to and from Raiser's Edge flows below. In each case we use the 'SmartFILTER' option within the first 'Event' step of the flow to limit the records allowed to trigger the flow. The below rely on you having the standard flows set up for Mailchimp and Raiser's Edge as suggested by SmartTHING.

Mailchimp to RE NXT

  1. Edit 'Event' step, this is always the first step in the flow.
  1. Scroll down to the 'Show/hide sample step output' button and click it. This will show an example of the output of this step along with the exact field names of those outputs i.e.
  1. Note the field you wish to filter on, in this case 'merges|EMAIL' would be sensible as this is the Mailchimp email address. 
  1. Scroll down to 'SmartFILTER' and:
    1. Enter in the left hand column the field name (case sensitive) i.e. merges|EMAIL
    2. Enter in the right hand column the list (comma separated) of valid email addresses to allow through i.e.,,
  1. Close
The above settings would ensure only updates to Mailchimp accounts with the email addresses,, would pass through to the other application.

RE NXT to Mailchimp

As another example we will consider the opposite flow, from Raiser's Edge to Mailchimp. The process is the same except the field names are different as you can see below:
  1. Edit the 'Event' step
  1. Scroll down to the 'Show/hide sample step output' button and click it. This will show an example of the output of this step along with the exact field names of those outputs i.e.

  2. Note the field you wish to filter on, in this case 'address' would be sensible as this is the Raiser's Edge email address. 
  3. Scroll down to 'SmartFILTER' and:
    1. Leave the top row as 'primary' and 'true'. This ensures only the primary email address is passed to Mailchimp and will be there even when you go to production with this flow.
    2. In the next row's left column type in the word 'address'
    3. In the right column type in the list of email addresses of the records you would like to test i.e.,,
  1. Close

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