SmartEMAIL: Connecting Gmail / Outlook to Raiser's Edge NXT
Pick up the emails you wish to record
- First you need to create the category (in Outlook) or label (in Gmail) which you will apply to emails you wish SmartEMAIL to process. Any emails with this marker will be processed within 5 minutes by SmartSYNC and the marker then removed.
- On the left of your Gmail page you will see a list of existing labels (Inbox, Starred etc.).
- Click the 'More' and scroll to the bottom of the list.
- Click 'Create new label' and enter the label name i.e. 'Record in RE NXT'
- Open an email and from the menu at the top select Category > New category
- Enter your category name i.e. 'Record in RE NXT'
- Log into SmartSYNC
- Click 'Create a new flow' and type in 'Gmail to RE NXT'
- Click 'Add step' to add a new event step to pick up the new emails:
- Click 'Add new connection'. In the application name drop down select Gmail or Outlook 365 (depending on the email provider you use).
- Click 'Save' and 'Connect'
- A window will pop up for you to log into your email provider and allow access - complete this process
- You should see a green 'Connected' button and a close button, click 'Close'.
- Now pick the emails to record:
- GMAIL: Select 'New Labelled Email' under 'Event' and select the label you created in step 1 above.
- OUTLOOK: Select 'New Email in Category' under 'Event' and select the label you created in step 1 above.
- No other settings are required at this point, just click 'Back'
Connect to Raiser's Edge NXT
- Click 'Add step' to create a new action step to record the email in NXT
- Click 'Add new connection'. In the application name drop down select 'Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT'
- Click 'Save' and 'Connect'
- A window will pop up for you to log into your database and allow access - complete this process
- Note: Make sure you select the 'Raiser's Edge NXT - ...' option if prompted at the Authorise step. There may be many options here, we need access to the Raiser's Edge data so you must select that option from the list.
- You should see a green 'Connected' button and a close button, click 'Close'.
- In the Action field select 'SmartEMAIL', further settings will then appear.
Adjust the SmartEMAIL Settings
- Please type in your own email address(es) in the Your email(s): fields. These determine whether the email you are recording has been sent or received.
- Email Fields
- From Email: Choose {{From Email::Step 1}} from the select merge field options
- From Name: Choose {{From Name::Step 1}} from the select merge field options
- To Email: Choose {{To Email::Step 1}} from the select merge field options
- To Name: Choose {{To Name::Step 1}} from the select merge field options
- Date: Choose {{date::Step 1}} from the select merge field options
- Excluding Domains: If you want to NOT record actions on records with certain email domains i.e. your internal email domain (staff) then specify the domain here. This can ensure that emails cc'ed to other staff members or sent to those members are not recorded on their record. They will still be recorded on the other email addresses involved i.e. the external prospects record.
- Action Fields
- Category: This is usually 'Email'
- Action Type: Choose a relevant action type i.e. Correspondence
- Location: Usually left blank
- Priority: Choose Normal
- Summary: You can use a combination of text and merge fields here. We suggest during initial testing you use something like:
- GMAIL: {{subject::Step 1}}
- or OUTLOOK: {{subject::Step 1}}
- This will result in the email provider prefix and then the subject line of the email being entered as the action Summary in RE NXT
- Description: This section elaborates on the action summary. You can again use text and merge field combinations, we suggest initially this might be something like (not this varies between OUTLOOK and GMAIL as they have slightly different merge field names.
- To: {{to::Step 1}}
Cc: {{cc::Step 1}}
Bcc: {{bcc::Step 1}}
{{body::Step 1}}
- Completed Field: Yes
- Completed Date: {{date::Step 1}}
- Outcome: Successful
- Status: Completed
- Fundraisers: Leave this blank or add the constituent record id for the fundraiser
- The constituent ID is in the web address when viewing their record in RE NXT such as 200 in the link
- Opportunity ID: Leave this blank
The flow is now complete so just enable it and then add the label or category to the email in your email provider to see it in action. Within 5 minutes you should see under the logs section in SmartSYNC a log of the process of adding the action to RE NXT and in RE NXT a new action accordingly.