SmartDONATE: Preparation

SmartDONATE: Preparation


SmartDONATE provides the ability to link from a widget on your main site or Blackbaud website to a donation form and specify the gift type, amount and other fields in the URL.

What you need to do

You would need to identify the widget you wish to implement. There a lot of great examples out there, they usually gather the gift type and amount and are placed in prominent places on your website. Almost all charity websites have these. Two prominent examples are below but there are literally hundreds of them:

What your web team or SmartTHING can deliver

You would get your web designers to create the widget for you or we can provide a build service for this - just let us know and we can quote for that. 

The widget would redirect the user to your donation page but WITH additional information in that link such as gift type, amount and attribute values. The user will have completed these values in the widget and clicked the 'DONATE' button. As an example the redirect might be as below:
  • https://[your_site_address]/donate?amount=50&gift_type=single&custom_field=23
The information in the link is then completed in the donation form so they do not have to re-enter this, they just fill out the other fields on the form and click donate. This approach of using widgets is a widely known way of 'hooking' donors by asking for the basics first and then the rest of the detail. 

Note: You can also use our SmartZIP product to reduce the fields they have to enter further by autocompleting the address as they type it.

Other uses - send an email

You can also use SmartDONATE to link from emails. In the email you can preset the amount and gift type by linking to the donation page with those additional values in the web address 
  • https://[your_site_address]/donate?amount=50&gift_type=single&custom_field=23

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