SmartPASTE is one of our most popular products and, whilst simple to install, we thought a quick guide might help.
Download and install
Once downloaded run the installer and it will prompt you to run SmartPASTE after the install completes so please do so.
It's working
OK so how do you know it is working? Well there is an orange 'S' icon in the windows tray (bottom right of the screen):
Once you have run SmartPASTE once it will automatically start with windows so you should always see the icon in your tray. Note sometimes windows hides some icons behind a small up arrow in the tray, just click on that up arrow and you should see the SmartPASTE icon.
Also, when you first run SmartPASTE you will be prompted for your license details, again these are in our deploy email so just enter them exactly as provided:
Copying a list
So assuming all the above worked you are now up and running and you can forget all that as you never have to do it again. SmartPASTE will just sit there waiting for you to use it.
So how do you use it? Simple.
You get a list of values together in Excel, Google Sheets, LibreOffice Sheets (or some similar tool). This can be a very long list if you wish (thousands of entries if needed) as SmartPASTE knows how to cope with this.
As an example see below, you would copy the list to your Clipboard i.e. Edit > Copy menu or press CTRL+c:
Then go to a Raiser's Edge query and create a new 'one of' criteria i.e. 'Constituent ID' > 'one of'. Put your mouse in the first values entry and then click the new 'Paste List' button that SmartPASTE has added to the window:
SmartPASTE will ask you to confirm that the paste should happen and then off it goes.
IMPORTANT: Don't touch anything or move the mouse whilst the paste is happening, this will interrupt the process. SmartPASTE is basically typing (very fast and reliably) into the boxes so you moving the mouse or typing will upset that.
What can it do?
It can do a lot! You can create queries in RE based on any of the 'one of' compatible fields: email, last name, dob, etc. and you can combine it with standard RE query fields.
Simple example:
Someone has a list of people they wish to attend an event, they took the list from RE (with Constituent IDs) and they then reduced it to a few people in Excel as they prefer working with spreadsheets.
You could use SmartPASTE to paste those Constituent IDs back into a query in RE and then mark the records for the event using a global change.
Advanced example:
As a more realistic real world example lets say someone has just handed you an event attendance spreadsheet and said record it in RE. Oh and they forgot to take the constituent ID out and the have some names spelt incorrectly, and only initials for some people and etc... Yes this happens a lot... Oh and it was the class of 96... we have some emails...
First thing you need to do is find the matching records in RE. Well we have email so use SmartPASTE to find people by email address, that will give us a few people.
Now lets find the rest using another query: try surname (using SmartPASTE again) and class year, that should identify a lot more, maybe a few manual dupes but probably not a lot. Maybe you could tag the records in RE using a global change then manually review them to weed out the dupes.
Finally globally add the participant record using the queries and/or the tags you have created. It would take a while but it is possible and if your lists are long SmartPASTE can save a lot of time.
What can't it do?
Unfortunately due to the way RE works some 'one of' fields can't be done in this way - mainly Campaign, Appeal, Funds etc.