Once you have set up one user with SmartGMAIL you may wish to copy the same settings to another person. You can do this using a registry export.
Note: The registry also contains the license keys so the new users would not need to enter them again.
Export the registry
On the correctly set up computer go to the registry key:
1. HKCU\Software\SmartTHING
2. Right click on the SmartGMAIL or SmartOUTLOOK folder in the left panel
3. Select Export and save the .reg file along with the SmartOUTLOOK or SmartGMAIL exe ready for distribution to your other users.
The process for the new user would be:
1. Install SmartGMAIL or SmartOUTLOOK
2. Double click on the .reg file you will provide them with and click Yes to add it to their registry
3. Tweak any further settings to their requirements i.e. their email address setting